Thursday, March 31, 2011

Get Started, LEARN YOUR RIGHTS in an airport

Part I


If any company have an overbooking, it would have to ask for volunteers that they would give up their traveling in exchange for some other benefits. If there are not enough volunteer people, the company could cancel your ticket but it would have to give you a compensation. If your traveling is to 1500 km. you would receive about $300. If you have a ticket for 3000 km. then you would receive $450 approximately. If you travel more than 3500 km. you may receive about $630. Moreover the company would have to ask you if you prefer to receive the price of your ticket back or another fly and pay you for it. If you have to wait for other trip, it would provide you food, beverages, hotel (if it is necessary), transportation between hotel and airport and two call, text or emails.

Flight cancellation:

If the cancellation is a charge of the company, you should be compensated like we said in the overbooking rights, except if you know it at least 15 days before your trip time or you got another trip with similar time. If the cancellation produce you more than 5 hours of delay you have the right to receive the price of your ticket or another ticket. As in overbooking, the company must provide the resources necessary to survive.


If you have a delay of more than 2 hours in a 1500 km. trip, 3 hours for between 1500 and 3500 km. trip or 4 hours for more than 3500 km. trip you may receive food, beverages and hotels extra-night totally free. If you got more than 5 hours you may get the ticket price back or another trip like in overbooking or cancellations.

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